Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day Care, Week 1!

Rebecca's back at school!

With only 8 weeks left of the school year, Rebecca returned to teaching and Grandma & Grandpa assumed the roles of part time day care providers.  The week went smoothly; the hardest part was keeping Grandpa away when it's not his day to watch Annie and Grace!

The first week of day care followed the Palm Sunday baptism of A & G. After a flip of the coin (no kidding!), Annie wore the gown that her great grandma made for Mary & Rebecca to wear for their baptisms; Grace wore a similar, though simpler gown that this grandma made during our winter in Arizona.

Dad and Annie

Mom and Grace

We're all taking a road trip to Rochester for Easter dinner, where Mary & Paul are preparing the nursery (and preparing themselves!) for the birth of Baby McKie next month.

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