Saturday, May 3, 2008

Grandpa Hears the Big News!

Multiple Choice Quiz

A) Is he smiling?
B) Is he weeping?
C) Is he laughing?
D) All of the above

You guessed it! The correct answer is D) All of the above!! Rebecca and Manuel have just announced that they will be parents of TWINS in early December! The word is that Manuel's cheers and hoots could be heard throughout the clinic when the news was delivered! They are thrilled, as are Grandpa and Grandma.


Stan said...

Congratulations Everybody.
Great Pictures, Brenda. What a sweet guy you have.

We borrowed your pictures for our blog.

How exciting!
Stan and Kathleen Rolfsrud

Anonymous said...

Wow this is great news- I heard from Mary last night. This will be a great close to 2008! Our best to all the Robfam members.

Betsy Colby Davie

PS- check out Nathan's antics at:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Brenda and Dick.

We look forward to hearing how the "patient one" handles waiting out the full gestation waiting period.

Steve Rolfsrud