Monday, May 18, 2009

Day Care, Week 6!

The flowers are blooming, the babies are growing...and the weeks are flying by!

Little Al enjoys bathtime.

Annie and Grace hit the road for a stroll.

It's a beautiful and blessed time.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day began with our 10th annual Race for the Cure! We're celebrating 10 years of cancer free fun for Susan...

after the race, we met the Spreigls and the McKies at the Marsh for our annual Mother's Day Brunch. The only folks missing were Ben & Caitlin, who are spending the weekend in Seoul, taking a break from teaching in South Korea...

But...we added some new family members to our celebration! Nick and Amy are practicing with Alistair Joseph...just 6 days old! Baby K will arrive on June 11th (or earlier!). Alistair was happy as can be to share some snuggle time with Nick!

The three cousins met for the first time...Annie, Alistair and Grace shared the stage and the limelight. Next year there will be 4 one year olds at the brunch! Look out world!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day Care, Week 5!

Oh, Boy! What a week!

Our week started off with the arrival of Cousin Alistair! On Monday afternoon, Mary & Paul called with exciting news. We all piled into the van....Granny & Gramps, Becca and Manuel, and Annie and Grace. We took a rapid road trip to Rochester to meet Little Al and his parents at the hospital. Isn't he cute?!

Annie and Grace missed their rice cereal challenge, opting instead for a quick bottle of milk on the road. That decision came with a price tag....Tuesday! Hungry, tired and perhaps a little jealous of the attention showered on their new cousin, our gals managed to communicate their true feelings all night and all day on Tuesday!

The rest of the week, though, was perfect! Good weather allowed us to take walks every day....

and Friday arrived quickly, with smiley girls...of all ages! Happy Mothers' Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Boy, oh Boy!

Alistair Joseph McKie joined the Robfam on May 4, 2009 at 3:38 p.m. Mom and Dad are thrilled...

as is Grandpa! Can you tell?

Paul assures us that, although little Al is a perfectly healthy baby, he has retained an inhouse pediatrician to keep things in order!!

Meet Dr. Blue!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day Care, Week 4!

This was truly a week of accomplishments! It's too bad that there were no witnesses to document our success, but both Brenda and Dick spent one on two time with the twins! What that really'll have to imagine each of us feeding two babies at once! Dick perfected the two bottle juggle, using the bouncy seat and the couch as stabilizers; Brenda resorted to feeding on the floor, using the bouncy seat and a blanket as back up! There were a few complaints from Annie and Grace, but nobody went hungry...and we had a teachable moment..."undivided attention is a figure of speech!"

We weren't the only ones who made great accomplishments this week...
Annie and Grace mastered some of the gymnastic equipment,

and conquered the rice cereal challenge in their new high chairs! Thank goodness for bibs!

Two more accomplishments rounded out the week, but the camera wasn't quick enough to capture them...again...use your visual imagination! Grace demonstrated her new ability to sit up ...oops! over she went! Annie captured her big toe and got in a couple of good sucks on it before it popped out of her mouth...and she rolled over! All moments of success were greeted with great cheers and applause from the audience!